Top 15 Yoga Asana

                   What is Yoga             

Yoga which is more than five thousand years old has recently become so popular way of life. People consider yoga to achieve healthily as well as a stress-free way of life. The power of yoga is in its simplicity, diversity and flexibility. Yoga helps in improving flexibility, lowers our stress level and increases our confidence level and finally make a healthier lifestyle. There are many lifestyle diseases like depression, obesity, asthma, diabetes, hypertension and body pain which can be prevented by doing yogic practice regularly. 

             What is Asanas 

According to Patanjali, asana means, "thiram sukham asana" i.e, Steating in the position to our comfort is known as Asanas. In brief, seating comfortably for a period of time in any position is called Asanas. In Asanas, the body is kept in different positions in such a way that the organs and glands of our body become more beneficial and improve the health of our body and mind. Asanas are the way by which we can achieve physical and mental development. Many diseases can be delayed by doing yogic practices. There are different types of Asanas such as:
  • Relaxative asanas
  • Corrective asanas
  • Meditative asanas
and by doing this asana regularly affects various systems or organs of our body.

            Top 15 Yoga Asanas 

Procedure: Vajrayana is a meditative asana. Kneel down on the ground with your knees, ankles and toes touching the ground. Your toes should be stretched backwards. Now place your palms of both hands on your knees. Your back should be straight. Now, your breathing should be deep, and slow. Then expand your chest and pull your abdomen inwards.

  1. It is helpful for concentration 
  2. It cures the problem related to menstruation.
  3. It cures mental stress
  4. It improves memory power
  5. It removes postural defects.
  6. It is the best asana for people suffering from sciatica and sacral infections.
  7. It reduces hip fat.
  8. It gives relief from constipation, acidity and increases the digestive process.
  • The person suffering from joint pain should not perform this asana.
  • The person who has difficulty in the movement should do this asana with lots of care

Pada hastasana
Pada hastasana

Procedure: Stant straight and bend forward until your fingers the ground. Try to touch the knees with your head. Keep the knees straight. Exhale while bending forward. Try to contract the abdomen in the final position to expel the maximum from your lungs.

  1. Pada hastasana makes the body flexible and it stretches the back and legs muscles.
  2. It decreases belly fat.
  3. It improves blood circulation. 
  4. It makes the spin flexible and toned the nerves.
  • The person who has back pain should not do this asanas or they should no bent fully. They can bend as per there comfort.

Procedure: Stand with your legs apart. Then raise the arm sideways to the shoulder level. Bent the trunk sideways and raise the right hand upwards. Touch the ground with left hand behind left foot. After some time, do the same in with opposide arm sideways.

  1. It increases mental and physical equilibrium.
  2. It helps in increasing height.
  3. It helps in decreasing weight.
  4. It improves blood circulation.
  5. It reduces the excess fat around the waistline.
  6. It strengthens the legs, knees, arms and chest.

  • The person having cervical spondylosis should not do this trikonasana.
  • If you are suffering from diarrhoea, back injury, low or high blood pressure should not this asana.


Procedure:  The left heel should be kept under the right thigh and the right leg should be crossed over the left thigh. After that, hold the right toe with the left hand and turn your head and back to the right side. Then perform the same asana in the reverse position.

  1. It enhances the stretchability of back muscles.
  2. It keeps gall bladder and prostate gland healthy.
  3. It is also helpful in treating sinusitis, constipation, bronchitis, menstrual and cervical spondylitis.

  • The person, who is suffering from hernia and peptic ulcer should not practice this asana or should perform under expert guidance.
  • The person who has the problem of sciatica or slipped disc may get benefits from this asana but they should take great care while doing this asana.


Procedure: The shape of your body in this asana is like Snake that is why it is called bhujangasana. In order to perform, this asana, first lie down on the belly on the ground. Keep your legs close to each other. Now, slowly straighten your arms and raise your chest. Your head should turn backwards. Keep in this asana for some time. Then get back to the former position. Perform this asana for 3 to 5 times.

  1. It alleviates obesity.
  2. It provides strength and agility.
  3. It cures the disorder of urinary bladder.
  4. It cures the disease of the liver.
  5. It improves blood circulation. 
  6. It makes the vertebral column flexible and thin
  7. It cures gas disorders, constipation and indigestion.
  8. It strengthens the muscles of hands.

  • This asana should be avoided by the person who is suffering from a hernia, back injuries, headaches and recent abdominal surgeries.
  • Pregnant ladies should not do this asana.

Procedure: lie on the ground with legs forward. Then hold your feet with your fingers. Now, breathe slowly and try to touch your knees with your head. After that breathe in slowly, raise your head upwards and come in the format position. Perform this asana for 10 to 12 times.

  1. It takes care of gas trouble.
  2. It prevents the early ossification of bones.
  3. It is a good remedy for constipation.
  4. It reduces obesity.

  • If you are suffering from enlarged liver or spleen then you should not do this asana.
  • Don't do this asana if you are suffering from asthma or any respiratory disease.


Procedure: lie down on your back on the ground. Keep your feet together and place your arms beside your body. When you exhale bring your knees towards your chest. At the same time press your abdomen with your thighs. Clasp your hands around your legs. Hold the asana when you breathe normally. Every time you inhale, ensure that you loosen the grip. Exhale and release the pose after you rock and roll from side to side 3 times.
  1. It enhances the blood circulation in the pelvic region.
  2. It relieves constipation.
  3. It reduces the fat of thighs and abdominal area.
  4. It also provides strength to your neck
  • Pregnant ladies should avoid this asana.
  • If recently you have any abdomen surgery then you should not do this asana.
  • The person suffering from a heart problem, high blood pressure, hyper acidity should avoid this asana.


Procedure: site down on the ground with making your legs straight in front of your body. After that place the right leg under the left thigh. Then bend the left leg and place it under the right thigh. Keep you back, head and neck straight. Close the eyes and relax your body.

  1. It claims your brain.
  2. It provides you with mental and physical balance without causing strain or pain.
  3. It helps to improve your body texture.
  4. It provides a gentle massage to your knees, calf muscles and thighs.
  5. It stretches and lengthens your spine.

  • If your knees or hip are injured then you should not do this asana.
  • If you have a slip disc problem, you should do this asana with proper care.


Procedure: In this asana, the of the body becomes like a chakra, therefore it is called chakrasana. At first, lie down on your back. Fix your hand firmly on the ground. Then raise your middle portion of your body, so that your body is in semi-circle position. Now, keep your head downwards between your hands. As a beginner do this for at least 1 minute then after someday of practice, do it for 4 to 6 minutes.

  1. It cures back pain.
  2. It cures any pain in kidneys.
  3. It helps in reducing obesity.
  4. It prevents the problem of hernia.
  5. It stimulates pituitary and thyroid gland.
  6. It cures infertility, asthma and osteoporosis.
  7. It gives relief from stress and reduces depression.
  8. The semi-circle position makes the dorsal side of the body to stretch making the chest to expand. Therefore more fresh oxygen is made available.

  • If are suffering from headache or high blood pressure you should not perform this asana.
  • Don't perform this asana if you are suffering from shoulder pain.


Procedure: Sit down on the ground with stretching your legs forward. Now fold the leg at the knee and sit on the feet foot. Hold the right leg and keep the right thigh on the left thigh with the help of your hands. Now lift your buttocks and bring the heels of both feet together so that they should touch each other. Now fold your left arm behind your back over the shoulder. After that bend your fingers of both the hands and clasps each other. At this time your head and bags should be erect. Then repeat the same in the reverse position.

  1. It makes the leg muscles strong inelastic. 
  2. It helps to keep the soldier joints healthy, flexible and strong.
  3. It improves the functions of the lungs.
  4. The regular practice of this aasan helps in the treatment of sciatica.
  5. It improves the function of Kidneys by simulating it.
  6. It also reduces anxiety.
  7. It helps in staying tough and strong.
  • The individuals who suffer from shoulder, knee or back pain should avoid practising this asana.
  • Avoid sun in case of any knee injury.
  • Avoid this Aasan in case of recent or chronic knee or hip injury.


Procedure: Sit in padmasana. stretch your arms sideways and bring them over your head slowly. After that let your palms touch each other. Then stretch your hands well without bending your elbows. Keep your spine erect.

  1. It gives relief from tension in soldier and back.
  2. It helps in reducing back pain.
  3. It tones the abdominal muscles and therefore stimulates the organs of the abdominal region.
  4.  It improves the functions of the spinal cord.
  5. It reduces the extra fat in the back and waist.
  6. It also helps in enhancing height.
  • Avoid this Aasan in case of a back injury.
  • You should not perform this action in case of a shoulder injury.

Procedure: At first seat in padmasan. Then lie down in
supine position and make an arch behind. Hold your toes with the fingers. Stay for some time in this position.

  1. It is helpful curing back pain, knee pain and tonsillitis.
  2. Skin disease can be cured if we practice this asana regularly.
  3.  it also cures the defect of eyes.
  4. This asana is very helpful for the treatment of diabetes.
  5. It is the best asana to get relief from asthma.

  • A person suffering from migraine and Insomnia should not perform this asana.
  • Avoid doing this asana if you have high or low blood pressure. 
  •  The person who has a neck injury or lower back problems should not practise this asana.


Procedure: Stand up in attention position. Lift your arms upwards. Stretch your hands upwards. Rise your heels and come on your toes. Also, pull up your body upwards. After sometime breath, out slowly and come to the previous position. Repeat the same exercise 10 to 15 times.

  1. It cures constipation.
  2. It reduces belly fat.
  3. It cures digestive problems.
  4. It is beneficial in treating hypertension.
  5. It is an excellent asana for those who want to enhance their height.
  6. It improves body posture.

  •  if you have low blood pressure you should not practice this asana.
  •  The persons who suffer from blood circulation problems such as faulty valves should not perform this asana.

Ardha chakrasana 

Procedure: Stand straight with both feet together. Bend backwards without bending your knees with slow inhalation. Remain in this pose for some time. Do it 2 to 3 times.

  1. It relieves stress and tension.
  2. It helps to make ankles, thighs, Soldier, chest, Spine and abdomen stronger.
  3. It improves digestion.
  4. It reduces fat in the thigh and waist.
  5. It helps to get relief from back pain.

  • Avoid performing this asana if you have a headache, low blood pressure, diarrhoea and insomnia. 
  • Avoid this asana in case of the hip or spinal problems.
  • Pregnant ladies should not fo this asana. 


Procedure: In order to perform shalabhasan, lie down in prostrate position.  spread the thigh backwards hold your fists and extend arms. keep your fists under the thigh and then rise your legs slowly as high as you can. for best result hold this position for 2 to 3 minutes and then lower your legs slowly. Repeat the same action for 3 to 5 times.

  1.  It provides relief to persons who have mild sciatica and slips disc problem.
  2.  Strengthens the muscles of the spine, buttocks and back of the arms and legs.
  3.  It improves posture.
  4.  It helps in relieving stress.

  •  people with a weak spine should avoid the practice of the Aasan.
  • The individual with a weak heart, high blood pressure and coronary problems should avoid practising this asana.


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